Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Playing Solitaire

On the road to Solitaire, the landscape changes every hour.  In the beginning it looked like the moon surface, and we saw the track where NASA filmed the first moon landing.  One small step for mankind, one giant conspiracy theory.  The first pass of two on the way to Solitaire the world changed again.


We saw one lonesome kudu hiding from “Spike” the sun.


Solitaire is nice oasis after long drive, the only three buildings consist of the bakery, petrol station and general dealer store.  The bakery is a must stop, Moose the owner started it in 1992 and now you can get plenty of freshly baked delicacies.

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  1. Moose se appeltert is regtig so lekker soos almal ons vertel het. Juan is nog besig om al die dorpies se appelterte uit te toets en sal jul nog laat weet wie s`n bo aan sy lysie is!!

  2. Goeiste maar Moose het baie "stock" - kom dan daar soveel toeriste, of is dit basies vir die plaaslike gemeenskap? Dit lyk yummy!

  3. Moose say on some days he sell about 200Kg of apple tart, wonder if you can believe that?
